Monday, April 23, 2012


Hey kids! Remember somewhere slightly further down this page when I wrote a blog and it was "Things I'm obsessed with right now but this type of blog might never happen again so just enjoy the stuff I post today!"

Guess what?  In the short span of time since that last post I have found more awesome things that people need to know about and love!  I know!  I'm excited too.

First off, I am currently reading Let's Pretend This Never Happened which is written by one of my favorite bloggers The Bloggess.  I have spent the majority of the book crying because I was laughing so hard. I will admit that I did ugly cry out of sadness a bit at the anxiety disorder chapter because as they say "I know that feel bro".  I had to put it down once because I literally couldn't breathe because of the hysterical laughter/crying combination coming from my face.  I bet the cars on the road & my son's bus driver thought I was insane standing on the side of the road laugh/crying to myself,

I purchased the aforementioned book on "the best date ever" this weekend, which means "I drug my husband to the mall to buy me a book and then to see a movie he had no interest in".  Have I ever mentioned that my husband is awesome?  Because he is.  This is where I would link his blog if he were mentally unstable enough to need to prattle on to no one on the internet like the rest of us, but he doesn't have one.  I know, somehow he is mentally stable enough to not need a blog but he's married to me, I don't know how the hell that works either. Now that I think about it, it's probably for the best because if he had a blog it would probably just exist as a testament to the really embarrassing things that I say (like the time I told him that Asia was a country).  Hey he is STILL married to me, I don't get it either, but I'm really thankful for it.

Anyway, I am getting sidetracked. On "the best date ever" we went to Olive Garden & then to the mall because clearly God hates us & that's the only place with a Barnes & Noble.  Then I made him to see The Cabin In The Woods because deep down I knew that he wouldn't hate it.  Finding a movie that I LOVE and he doesn't hate is kind of hard sometimes.  We both like action movies and comic book movies but that's pretty much where the overlap stops.  I like indie movies about misfits, and he likes slapstick comedy and romantic comedy.  No really, once he bought "Drive Me Crazy" when were were dating, and its's been what? 10 years and I am still making fun of him for it. Romantic movies of any kind make me want to punch the entire word in the face so I try not to watch them.

Back to my point, The Cabin in the Woods is a "horror" movie but it's more of a thriller/action movie. It is a Joss Whedon movie.  If you don't know who Joss Whedon is, he is the only reason you'll ever hear me sound like a hipster.  Boyfriend is about to be one of those directors who EVERYONE knows and I'm happy for him but I LOVED HIM FIRST AND DON'T YOU FORGET IT.  He is the genius behind Buffy, Firefly, Serenity, and Dollhouse.  He's also the dude who is about to blow your mind with "The Avengers" in a couple of weeks. The point I'm trying to make here is that The Cabin in the Woods movie is an amazing work of genius and if you don't go see it on the big screen you'll probably be pretty pissed off at yourself later.  I imagine it's just way less exciting on a dinky little TV.

Another thing I'm currently obsessed with is Dubble.  Felicia Day talked about it in one of her Fave Five sessions on The Flog and now I can't stop playing it.  I'm a sucker for bubble shooter games and this one is the best one I've ever played.

I'm currently right in the middle of watching Battlestar Galactica and it is amazing.  It makes me have a lot of feelings and I cry a lot when I watch it, which is odd because I am not really a weepy person.  I cry about TV things way more than real life things.  There is clearly something wrong with me.  But if you haven't seen BSG you should totally check it out if Sci-Fi is your thing.  If sci-fi isn't your thing then I'm sorry about your terrible taste in genres.

This concludes my "Things I'm obsessed with right now but this type of blog might never happen again so just enjoy the stuff I post today!" post.  Peace.


  1. Interesting blog. I don't like Battlestar though.

    1. Yeah, it's not for everyone. I actually know more females who enjoy it than I do males, I think it's kind of written that way.
