I asked on Facebook the other day if I did a Q&A if people would actually ask me questions and some of you said yes. So here's the first set of questions. This will not become a "regular thing", because I hate scheduled blogs and some people are just here to read funny things. So when I'm bored and out of content I'll answer some questions! It can be anything from a simple question like my favorite color to something political that will cause me to rant on for more than anyone has any interest in reading. It gives you some say in what I post and it gives me content for when I'm having a hard time coming up with anything or too sad to be funny. So feel free to ask away!
Why did you start this blog?
Why did you start this blog?
I started blogging originally in (I believe) 2004. My first blog was on LiveJournal under the handle "starrie_fairy". I then proceeded to change my username a billion times. I'm surprised I still have any friends over there at all. They must really like me. I still have a blog over there. No, you absolutely can't read it, it's way less funny than this and I'm pretty damn picky about who I add over there.
I started using blogspot to document my son's journey with autism on my other blog PDD & Me. I then realized that I wanted a place to just post things that I liked, or found funny, or just whatever, at the same time I didn't want to open my Livejournal account and make it public. So that is how "rust and stardust" came to be.
I'm not sure if you mean the blog title or the URL so I'll answer for both. The are both actually fragments from poems that I like.
"rust and stardust" is part of the closing line from Humbert Humbert's poem "Wanted" from the novel Lolita.
"ghost of a locomotive" is from Allen Ginsberg's poem "Sunflower Sutra", which is my favorite poem.
Can I follow you on Twitter?
If you ask nicely, don't mind cursing (no really), and let me know what your Twitter handle is then maybe. My tweets are protected mostly because I got tired of spam & strangerbitches @replying me for things taken completely out of context.
Can I add you on Tumblr?
Yep! I'm anotherwendybird.
Can I add you on Facebook?
No, not if I don't know you. Sorry!
Can I ask you a question for the next Q&A?
Yep, ask away! Feel free to ask me anything in the comments or submit your questions to BAMFmanicpixie@gmail.com. Anything goes so ask whatever, if it's too weird I'll probably just answer you with sarcasm.