Friday, August 17, 2012

& I know you're dissatisfied with your position & your place, don't you understand it's not my problem?

You'll have to excuse my absence lately. I've been busy and sick. I'm feeling a bit better now though so it's back to business.  School starts Monday (BOO!) and I have my schedule.  I am dreading this semester SO much.  It's going to be really tough.  I have been getting all A's so far and I would REALLY like to keep my scores high so I might be in absent from both social circles and the internets more than I'd like.

We leave to go rafting for Labor Day weekend so that will be a nice little break.  Then Alden goes back to school the day after we get back...that's going to be interesting. We've totally disregarded his sleep schedule for most of the summer.  It's going to take a bit to get back into the swing of getting up at 5:45 AM but we'll manage somehow.

Since I was sick a lot of this week I've been watching movie & reading. I FINALLY finished the book I've been reading since the dawn of time.  (Updated 2012 list here).  I can't decide what to read next, I could just jump right back into the ASoIaF series,  I could get in a couple of quick reads before I start back to school and save A Storm of Swords for when I'm back in school as something to look forward to after doing my work, or I could put it off til season 3 rolls around so that I am shocked and appalled at the horrible things on my TV screen instead of knowing what's going to happen (for the most part).  I don't know, I'll have to see.

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