Wednesday, August 29, 2012

and I don't belong to anyone

School has started back up again and I'm in two classes that are incredibly difficult and one that looks like it shouldn't be all that bad.  So basically if I'm not around much, that's why.  The amount of work isn't as daunting this time around, just the content.  I am going to attempt to keep up my straight A streak but if I am unable to I have to just be able to let go of it.

I started freaking out again, (like ya do) but then it occurred to me that A) this is not the end of the world, B) even my professor said "everyone struggles with this course", and C) this is legitimately the first thing I have had to LEARN since I started college.  I need to cut myself some slack and stop being so hard on myself.  That isn't an excuse to be lazy or not do the work, but I don't have to stress out.  I am LEARNING and that's just something new that I'm not really used to.  (I mean learning in a "have to" context. I love learning about things that I am personally interested in).

I'm sure that I felt the same way about HTML and CSS when I first started learning them but those were self taught, at my own pace, and over the past however many years since I made my first seizure inducing AOL page full of flame text and dancing Hello Kitties.  So it's a process.  I know people who have been doing this for years who still sometimes pull up reference materials.  It's fine.  I can do this, it just might take me a bit and that's okay.

Other than freaking out about school I have been attempting to get Alden ready to go back to school. He's got a new bag, new clothes, new shoes, & a new lunchbox (tupperware because I'm a bit of a hippie & refuse to waste plastic baggies like that).  Stuff-wise he's prepared but he isn't having it.  He told me he was "not going to school this year".  At which point I just started laughing hysterically.  I haven't been getting him back on track with his bedtime because, well honestly at first it just doesn't do any good.  Plus, we're going out of town this weekend and coming back the day before school basically there is absolutely no point in trying until school actually starts.  Luckily (?), he still gets up obscenely early even when he doesn't go to bed until "SERIOUSLY, LAY DOWN RIGHT NOW BECAUSE I AM GOING TO BED NOW" o'clock.

Anywho that's all that has been going on.  Boring as hell I know.  I promise that I will not post another post until I have something clever.  I am even boring myself with these.

I do not relate to this song at all but it is CATCHY AS FUQ & I can't stop listening to it.

Friday, August 17, 2012

& I know you're dissatisfied with your position & your place, don't you understand it's not my problem?

You'll have to excuse my absence lately. I've been busy and sick. I'm feeling a bit better now though so it's back to business.  School starts Monday (BOO!) and I have my schedule.  I am dreading this semester SO much.  It's going to be really tough.  I have been getting all A's so far and I would REALLY like to keep my scores high so I might be in absent from both social circles and the internets more than I'd like.

We leave to go rafting for Labor Day weekend so that will be a nice little break.  Then Alden goes back to school the day after we get back...that's going to be interesting. We've totally disregarded his sleep schedule for most of the summer.  It's going to take a bit to get back into the swing of getting up at 5:45 AM but we'll manage somehow.

Since I was sick a lot of this week I've been watching movie & reading. I FINALLY finished the book I've been reading since the dawn of time.  (Updated 2012 list here).  I can't decide what to read next, I could just jump right back into the ASoIaF series,  I could get in a couple of quick reads before I start back to school and save A Storm of Swords for when I'm back in school as something to look forward to after doing my work, or I could put it off til season 3 rolls around so that I am shocked and appalled at the horrible things on my TV screen instead of knowing what's going to happen (for the most part).  I don't know, I'll have to see.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

love is tough, time is rough on me

  • I have two opinion pieces I've been working on but they've basically ended up being rage comics in the end so neither of them will probably ever see the light of day.
  • My birthday was awesome.  I had the best party ever with a bunch of my friends and it was great.  I got lots of cool stuff but the party was definitely my favorite part.
  • We went to Six Flags and LegoLand.  It was great.  Alden rode his first big kid rollercoaster and he had an absolute blast.  
  • I am SO.CLOSE to finishing the book I've been reading since FOREVER. I think I'm going to read one or two short books before starting the next book in the series.  I am SUPER behind on my reading this year.
  • I think I'm going to start actively writing the book that I want to write but I'm not in a hurry because a bunch of people are going to have to die before it can be published anyway.
  • My school starts back the 20th.  I don't want to go to there.  :(
  • Alden's school is out until the 4th.  We'll come back from our rafting trip and he'll have to go back to school that week.  I guess at least we'll get another teensy vacation before he has to go back.
That's all I have right now.  I'll be back with a proper update soon.  I'm just in kind of an icky headspace at the moment and everything I type ends up being rubbish.