Tuesday, July 17, 2012

some things never change (a hilarious photo blog of my youth)

I promised to post something funny soon but I'm just not on a roll with funny commentary these days.  So I hope that my childhood photos will hold you over until I'm feeling more clever.  

As I mentioned in my last blog my birthday is coming up.  I had planned to do a post on my birthday about a specific event but I can't find the picture that it requires.  I went through a TON of photos today looking for that ONE but I can't find it.  I know it exists, but obviously someone besides my mother has it.  However today whilst going though huge stacks of my childhood I noticed that 

some things NEVER ever change.

I still fight with my sister a lot.

But I also love the stuffings out of her so much that she makes this face of terror.

Pippi Longstocking is still one of my heroes.

I still have Peter Pan Syndrome (Never Grow Up)

I have always been a gamer girl.  Here's me with the original Gameboy playing black & white Tetris!

I am still a fabulous artist.

I'm still a computer nerd...though my computer and my glasses are both slightly smaller these days.

and I still make this "OH SHIT WHAT AM I DOING" face every time I attempt cooking or baking things.

However, some things do change...for the better.

such as, I would never ever do this to my hair or makeup anymore.
 (Yes it was Halloween, but the horns & fake tattoos were pretty much the only things "costumey" going on here...this is my teen angst phase)

I don't have to carry around a huge boombox anymore...I also don't wear ankle weights for fun. 
Yeah, I don't know either...

I wouldn't stand anywhere near that sign anymore.

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