Wednesday, August 31, 2011


So I changed my major to IT/Web Design, I'm pretty excited. I am just truly a geek through and through and I need to be doing something that I like instead of something that I'm going to have to learn. Don't get me wrong, I still like the idea of cosmetology but I'm not exactly a quick learner and I don't feel like someone's head is a good place to learn. So I'll be getting my nerd on in school for the next year and a half, and then I'll be a professional nerd. YAY!

Alden goes back to school tomorrow which is both YAY! and BOO! Yay because he loves school and his friends. Boo! because I'll be bored all day and miss him like crazy until he gets home every day.

I've started my Fall Classes and so far so good. I'm taking MicroComputers and Math 1012. They have both been easy thus far but I know eventually the math is going to try to murder me. Math and I are not, and have never been friends. I have dyscalculia so math is like crazy hard for me.

Tomorrow morning I'm going to a seminar to learn to program Alden's Communication Device that he's in a study for. He gets to use it for a month at home and at school and they'll videotape his progress. We're really excited about it. They were very impressed with him in his "before" video, he was making full sentences within minutes. We weren't surprised because he's a computer whiz and comes by the whole geek thing honestly.

I guess that's pretty much it, oh except for that I'm still not in Pottermore and I'm bitter.

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