I am SO TIRED of seeing excessive amounts of recipes on Facebook. Yes, I can scroll past a few but more than 2 and it gets REALLY OLD, REALLY QUICKLY. Let me break down how the internet works for those of you who only use your iPhone/MacBook as a seriously overpriced Facebook machine.
Facebook is for keeping up with friends and family and sharing articles or witty commentary. Twitter is for self absorbed bitching. Reddit is for cats and boobs. Tumblr is for fandom. Pinterest is for recipes and DIY shit that you will never ever actually do. Instagram is for photos of your food and your beer.
I'm not judging you for HAVING any of these accounts. I have one of each myself, but I use them in an appropriate manner.
P.S. If you want my username for any of them just let me know.
I spent most of the day revamping my Twitter, Tumblr, and this blog. I'll get to my other sites on another day. I had Spring Break the first week of the month and spent it hanging out with my girlfriends, going to see Spring Breakers, and celebrating Josh's birthday. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. I got to turn my music up insanely loud, I got to see one of the best movies I've ever seen, I got to be silly and drink wine and just sit around talking and eating junkfood with some of my favorite people.
Going back to school on Monday was a real drag and Wednesday NO ONE was feeling it. In fact I was one of the last 3 people in class and I ended up leaving 30 minutes early thinking I'd read outside on the benches. That didn't happen due to the disgusting amount of pollen floating into my face but I tried. That night I got 2 of my best friends to finally sit down and watch the first episode of Game of Thrones with me. I think they liked it. YAY! Then Thursday Alden had a playdate and it went well all things considered. Two autistic children on a playdate is never ever a dull event.
Today as I said was spent most of the day finding new layouts I liked and tweaking them to get the look I want. I'm currently too lazy to code anything of my own, especially since that's what I do at school all day long. I finished my Dreamweaver class 3 weeks early because it's easy and boring and I figured I'd just get it out of the way. One of the women in my class said "Your kid must be better behaved than mine!" and I just sat there for a second before replying with "Oh, I don't have the program at home. I can't afford it, I just work during class the 4 hours a week. If you want to trade kids for the day I guarantee you'd take that back anyway, because my kid has autism." She shut up pretty quickly after that. It was hilarious.
During Spring Break I managed to get tickets to see one of my favorite authors, Neil Gaiman, on his last book signing tour. I am SO excited. I met his beautiful wife (and a personal hero of mine) Amanda Palmer last year on her tour.
I was sad that 2 of my other favorite authors posted their tour dates on the following consecutive days, but this is Neil's LAST signing tour so I made the right decision financially. If I was rich I'd go see them all!
Here are the other authors I want to meet : David Sedaris Augusten Burroughs Chuck Palahniuk Alan Moore
We have tickets for Father John Misty next month and then tickets for Dropkick Murphys the following month so maybe I'll get to meet those lovely folks too.
I hope this finds everyone well. I hope to post more once finals are finished and I only have online courses so I'm at home and stuff. Going to finish this drink and hit the hay. Goodnight!