This show's finale was this week but I highly recommend finding it be it online or in reruns. This hour long documentary show steps into people's realities that we often criticize and shows you their truth. It's very haunting and a great watch. The season was really short so it won't take you long to get through it.

Another show that has stolen my heart is Shameless. It is NOT for those who do not want to see sex, cursing, people falling down drunk, drug use, or just plain chaos. So if you don't appreciate those things in your television viewing you can skip on this one. However, if you can separate dark humor on TV from the reality of these things and find them amusing you should check this show out. It also recently had it's season finale.
Those of you who know me in real life know that I'm KIND of a hippie, not to the extreme or anything but I do prefer natural products and things like that. This is where it gets girly & menstruationy so if you are the type of person who is easily squicked out by those things then it'd be in your best interest to just skip the rest of this entry. For the rest of you, I want to recommend using LunaPads. The reason I haven't written about them before is that I had already written a review of them on my LiveJournal blog but since I have different readers here I decided to go ahead and reblog that entry for you over here.
I've always had super heavy periods. I frequently missed school & work due to debilitating cramps that many people thought were fake. Luckily, my mother suffers from them too so she understood & would hook me up with the remote, chocolate, and a heating pad before heading out the door for work. Frankly I've always had to wear the gigantic diaper like pads for my entire period which I would have to change at least once every hour on on days 2 & 3. I can't wear tampons because I have a tilted uterus and so no matter how much I try they really fucking hurt and I feel like I have something shoved up there the entire time.
Before buying Lunapads I'd seen them advertised before in places like VaginaPagina, BUST Magazine, the book CUNT, and various other places. I'd been to the site to see what it was all about. I first heard about them a few years ago & I'm not going to lie, I was a bit grossed out. Recently I decided to break it all down and weigh the benefits of LunaPads vs Disposables...there is actually a page on their site that does just that here.
Here were my personal reasons:
-If I only use my LunaPads for one year then I've saved $90 (that's how much extra my pads cost than the kit I bought). I spend approximately $200 a year on pads because I go through 2 boxes each month.
-I am no longer contributing via disposables to landfills.
-No smelly trashcan for a week out of every month.
-Better for my body since they put all kinds of chemically treated stuff in disposables.
Those were the initial benefits I came up with. I can now add to those:
-LunaPads don't seem to hold that "odor" that disposables do.
-My underwear has not gotten a single bloodstain since switching.
-I can stack as many liners as I need to and just peel them off as the day goes on.
-If I'm really in a pinch I can flip the liner over.
-Really absorbent.
-Super cute patterns. (I got the Psychodelia)
-I keep forgetting I'm wearing them (which I guess could also be a con if they weren't so absorbent).
Now I want to address the questions/comments I've gotten about them.
Q: Ew, you wash it and then wear it again?
A: Do you throw away your panties that get blood on them? If you're anything like me you wear those during your period...over & over. So how is that any different?
Q: So you have to carry around bloody pads?
A: I just stick mine in a waterproof baggie, put the baggie in my purse, & throw them in the washer with my underwear when I get home. Again, to me it seems just like the underwear thing.
Q: That is just weird.
A: This is how women used to roll. Where do you think "on the rag" came from? They used rags, seriously.
Q: What does Josh think about all this?
A: Josh is always down for saving money. His mother is probably the biggest feminist I know and she raised him to know that periods aren't anything gross or weird. He's been buying pads for years and said it's just like buying toilet paper to him. It's totally not a big deal.
Anyway I am incredibly glad I purchased LunaPads & will be buying more in various adorable patterns over the years. Feel free to leave any questions in the comments.
(No one paid me to review these products etc.)
P.S. I've been using the site monthlyinfo to track my periods for over 2 years now, I really recommend it. It's always within 2 days of being right for me and it keeps track of ovulation so I know when to stay away from Josh.
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