Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tactile Tuesday Week 3

Hey, welcome to another week of Tactile Tuesday aka"stuff you need to check out because it's great".

This week I want to talk about my favorite gadget. Barnes & Noble's Nook. This ereader holds 1500 books by itself on it's 2GB of memory. If you need room for more you can get a 16GB memory card and it will store up to 17,500. This is of course strictly speaking of books. If you load it up with audio files and photos it will hold less. That's another great thing about it. You can listen to music or audiobooks. I don't have the attention span for audiobooks but I know some people who really seem to enjoy them. I have around 120 books on my Nook right now waiting to be read, after I read them I can delete them and get more books. It's like a never-ending bookstore that you can hold in your hands.

If you like Sudoku or Chess they are both included on the Nook. I don't care for either and exclusively use my Nook for reading. I have used the internet on it a couple of times but I have terribly clumsy fingers and I had to retype everything about a billion times before I got it right because of the small touch keyboard.

I can't imagine not reading for an entire day. I'm pretty sure that would be hell for me. I need to read and I need to blog. I have to escape my world and go into the book world. I have to purge my thoughts onto the page and get them far away from my mind.

If you love reading and do so frequently I suggest looking into an e-reader. Not only are they small and handy, they have the capacity to keep you reading for years without deleting a single book. They are also environmentally better because you aren't reading paper books anymore. I have only bought a few books since I got my Nook and that was because they weren't available in ebook format. I love books, don't get me wrong, I have a bookshelf completely full and stacks of them all over my bedroom, but having my next read in my hands without having to do anything but flick my finger is amazing.